陈澄波(1895-1947),生于嘉义,一九一三年考进台湾总督府国语学校师范科(今台北师范学校),在校期间获石川钦—郎指导对西洋美术有初步认识。毕业于家乡担任教员,并与问侪艺术家林玉山等人友好。一九二三年陈氏赴日深造,进入东京美术学校就读,而后进入研究科专攻西画,三年级时作品即入选帝展,为台湾油画入选第一人,留日期间亦多次返台举办个展。一九二九年至—九二三年期间陈氏曾居留上海任教多所美术学校,并担任大型展览评审委员,一九三—年作品《清流》获选代表中国参展于芝加哥博览会,一九三二年一二八事变,将家人送返回台,次年,他也返台定居。一九三四年与友人创办台阳美术协会。—九四七年三月二十五日于二二八事变中遭枪决。一九七九年雄狮美术月刊社筹画〈陈澄波遗作展〉于台北春之艺廊展出,一九九二年台北市立美术馆展出〈陈澄波纪念展〉一九九四年〈陈澄波百年纪念展〉分别于台北市美术馆及嘉义市文化中心展出。^_^Born in Chiayi, Chen studied at the Taipei Japanese School in 1913 where he was taught by watercolour founded the Taiyang Fine Art Association. He was retrospective exhibitionwas shown in Taipei. Chen's two painter Kinichirou Ishikawa (1871-1945), who had a strong influence on Chen's interest in art. Upon his graduation in 1917,Chen returned to his hometown to teach at a primary school. In 1923,Chen went to Japan for advanced studies and enrolled in the Tokyo Fine Arts School. During his student years in Japan,Chen's oilpainting was selected in the Seventh Imperial Exhibition of japan. It was the first time that an oil painting by a Taiwanese artist was included. From 1929 to 1933 taught at several schools in Shanghai. In 1931,his Chen painting The Brook was selected to represent China at the Chicago Fair. The Japanese intrusion to Shanghai force Chen to return to Taiwan in 1933. In 1934,Chen co- major memorial exhibitions were held in 1992 and 1994.